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SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy is calling on the Department of Justice to address anti-Catholic crime that he says is on the rise.

It’s not the first time Kennedy has raised the issue.

Kennedy sent a letter to Former Attorney General William Barr on August 11, 2020, imploring the DOJ to take action in the wake of vandalism, graffiti, and arson targeting everything from Catholic bookstores to churches and statues.

“Catholics are under attack in America,” Kennedy wrote at the time. However, Kennedy says Barr did not respond take up the case, which the Louisiana congressman made sure to note in a letter sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland Wednesday morning.

“In August 2020, I wrote a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) expressing alarm over the violence in the United States aimed at Catholics and their institutions and property. In that correspondence, I highlighted examples of the senseless acts of destruction that had taken place: For example, rioters attacked a bookstore run by nuns, vandals demolished reverent statues, and arsonists set churches on fire. In one case, criminals targeted a church while worshipers were still inside. I concluded by asking that the department, which you now head, act swiftly and carefully to bring an end to these heinous crimes,” Kennedy said in the letter.

“I never receive a response to my letter, and the violence against Catholicism has continued.”

In the letter, Kennedy cites data from the Conference of Catholic Bishops stating that almost 80 more acts of violence have occurred since he first contacted William Barr in 2020. However, there is no mention of how much an increase that number represents.

He mentioned several states that had churches vandalized, including Louisiana’s home state. Including instances where vandals desecrated statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, broke windows, and overturned planters which caused extensive damage to the interior and exterior of the sanctuaries.

Kennedy also notes that the Constitution grants individuals freedom of religion.

“The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Yet during the COVID-19 pandemic, people of faith experienced significant interference with the practice of their religion. If the government continues to let these crimes go unpunished, it will further inhibit the people’s practice and enjoyment of their fundamental, constitutional right. Thus, I again ask that the DOJ increase efforts to identify and prosecute criminals targeting Catholic people and property so that the tens of millions of Catholics in our country can continue to practice their faith safely.”

Kennedy’s letter ended with a request that the DOJ provide a written update on the status of specific steps the attorney general would take to complete injustices to Catholics.