Judge: Grain terminal zoning suit to proceed; no ruling now

Storm Clouds Over Farm During Sunset. Credit: sakchai vongsasiripat

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Opponents of a $400 million grain terminal planned in a small Louisiana community may continue their challenge to zoning they contend was granted decades ago to further a corrupt plot, a state judge ruled Wednesday.

But state District Judge J. Sterling Snowdy refused to give the immediate ruling requested by opponents who include descendants of people enslaved between New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

“He did not throw out the case entirely. He said it was of significant importance to the community,” Lou Buatt, who represents Greenfield Louisiana LLC, the company that wants to build the terminal, said afterward.

Rather, he said, the judge said opponents couldn’t use “a procedure that is supposed to be quick and easy and fast that doesn’t have a trial.”