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LAFITTE, La. (WKRG) — Christopher Areas’ home was underwater when Hurricane Ida made landfall.

“This is what it is. This is what happens after a storm. Everything is ruined. The walls is all caved in. All the doors are swollen. Can’t get the windows open,” he said.

He’ll be trudging through feet of thick mud and cleaning up for the foreseeable future — but he’s still in good spirits. Something due in part to his cat’s miraculous survival.

As Areas watched the storm surge from his brother-in-law’s home across the street from his, he saw his truck floating by with his cat perched on top.

“And when he got to this point, my cat was on top of the toolbox, floated from over there and ended up going up in the tree and survived the storm in the tree,” he said.

Hurricane Ida slammed Lafitte. Most homes are ruined. Some streets are still impassable due to flooding.

Areas says he’s so grateful for all the help from his neighbors — as well as strangers.