Jackson Parish man arrested on 100 counts of possession of child porn

JACKSON PARISH, La. (KTVE/KARD) — The Jackson Parish Sheriff’s Office says they have arrested a man on 100 counts of child pornography charges.

According to deputies, they worked with several state and national agencies to arrest Jesse L. Bland.

Deputies say they searched Bland’s computers and found pornography that involved children under the age of 13.

Deputies say Bland has also been charged with distribution of pornography involving children and one count of sexual abuse of an animal.

Bland was eventually charged and arrested on 100 counts of possession of pornography involving children under the age of 13.

Bland was booked without incident and a bond has been set at $625,000.00.

The Jackson Parish Sheriff’s Office says they were assisted by the Louisiana Department of Justice, Attorney General’s Office Cyber Crimes Unit – Internet Crimes Against Children’s Task Force with executing the arrest of Bland.