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NEW ORLEANS — The people closest to former governor Edwin Edwards say he’s facing death with a positive spirit.

On Monday, Edwards decided to begin hospice care at his home in Gonzales.

As the almost 94-year-old enters the next chapter of his life in hospice care, Edwards humor is shining through.

Leo Honeycutt, Edwards’ biographer and family spokesperson said on Monday Edwards looked at him and said, “You know I’m running, don’t you?” Honeycutt was perplexed, but Edwards said, “I’m running for the bathroom so get out of the way.”

Honeycutt said Edwards continues to talk politics, state government and history. He noted, Edwards is still the smooth talker known for his one liners and now, his hospice nurse is getting a dose of the charismatic character.

“He was just joking, but said “If you keep treating me this way, you might be wife number four. ‘ He just likes to joke with everyone in the room,” Honeycutt said.

Although Edwards is keeping his spirits up, Honeycutt said he realizes how serious his condition is.

“He said, I don’t want anyone to be upset by this or get mournful about it or sad. It’s all just part of it. He said, I’ve lived a good life and have had better breaks than probably most people have had. I’ve had some bad breaks.”

A bright spot for Edwards over the last decade is his wife Trina and their son Eli.

Honeycutt said, “He’s going to read about him, see about him, hear about him and see all the aftermath of an iconic life, but he’s not really going to know him except what he knows right now. Trina is trying to get him to spend as much time with his dad as he can because we’re probably at the end.”

Honeycutt maintains Edwards is not afraid of dying.

“He doesn’t believe in being morbid or sad about it or anything. He’s like what’s the use? Why waste the energy on that?”

The Edwards family is thankful for the continued prayer the community is offering.

Earlier this week, Trina posted on Facebook and said her husband is comfortable and surrounded by love.