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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has signed a controversial abortion bill into law.

Senate Bill 342 from State Senator Katrina Jackson would criminalize doctors for performing abortions should Roe v. Wade be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. The bill does not make exceptions for rape or incest.

 “Louisiana is committed to protecting life and supporting moms. SB 342 enhances current pro-life law by providing clarity and consistency across Louisiana law. I thank Governor Edwards and my fellow legislators for standing with me to pass SB 342 and prepare for the day when Louisiana can protect all of its citizens, including those waiting to be born,” said Senator Jackson about SB 342.

A ruling on Roe V Wade is expected to be made soon by the U.S. Supreme Court.

In explaining why he signed the bill into law, Edwards said vetoing the bill would do no good.

“My position on abortion has been unwavering. I am pro-life and have never hidden from that fact. This does not belie my belief that there should be an exception to the prohibition on abortion for victims of rape and incest. However, vetoing Senate Bill 342 would not accomplish that end. In fact, vetoing Senate Bill 342 would leave fewer exceptions in place than if the bill becomes law and would further confuse whether pregnancy begins at fertilization or implantation. For these reasons, I have signed Senate Bill 342 into law,” said Edwards in a statement.

Earlier this month the White House released a statement attacking this bill should it become law.

“The Louisiana legislature has taken the latest step in a growing attack against the fundamental freedoms of Americans. Louisiana’s extreme bill will criminalize abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest and punish reproductive healthcare professionals with up to ten years in prison. The President is committed to protecting the constitutional rights of Americans afforded by Roe for nearly 50 years, and ensuring that women can make their own choices about their lives, bodies, and families. An overwhelming majority of the American people agree and reject these kinds of radical measures.”

Under Senate Bill 342, doctors can face thousands of dollars in fines and years in prison should they perform abortions if the Supreme Court makes a move to remove protections for abortions. The bill passed overwhelmingly in both the Louisiana House and Senate before making it to Edwards’ desk for his signature.

Click here to read Edwards’ signing letter on SB 342.