This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

CROWLEY, La. (KLFY) — Anthony Huckaby has been unable to claim his unemployment benefits for a while now. Why? He learned there was an outstanding claim issue, preventing him from receiving any help.

Huckaby says he looked into the issue and learned it was because he’s incarcerated.

However, Huckaby isn’t in jail and without the extra help for his family, he said he could soon lose his home.

“Honestly, I don’t even have another week to wait. This is my final week,” Huckaby said.

Huckaby said he was previously arrested for a minor charge in January. The documents show he was unable to claim his benefits during that time period; he bailed out and said the charges were resolved.

Just a month later, Huckaby said his benefits stopped during a hardship he was facing leaving him without anything extra to support his wife and children.

“When you have utilities on the verge of being disconnected, eviction moratorium on the verge of expiring, with a family, kids, a wife, and they’re all dependent on you, these benefits are much needed,” he said.

Huckaby said he’s been doing odd jobs around the community to help bring in income for his family while he waits for the issue to be resolved.

However, Huckaby said he can’t wait much longer.

“It can take up to 21 days to review the pending issue. 21 days the last time I checked is three weeks. This is six weeks going onto seven,” he said.

The documents show Huckaby was incarcerated on April 19, 2021. Huckaby said that’s wrong.

We have reached out to the Louisiana Workforce Commission about this issue and will have an update as soon as one becomes available.