Bishop Duca hosts annual hurricane season safety mass

BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — It’s officially the start of Hurricane season. The Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge is taking a moment to pray for a safe hurricane season.

“It’s the annual mass where we pray for safety during hurricane season,” said David Aguillard the executive director for Catholic Charities Diocese Baton Rouge.

Hurricane season in Louisiana is often a time of worry and anxiety for a lot of people. Bishop Michael Duca said his goal was to give people hope.

“To say a prayer of protection during this time for all of our people,” said Duca.

They unveiled a new disaster relief truck that will assist rural areas in the aftermath of a storm.

“But in a big disaster, it’s really important to have the right tools to bring what is needed to those in need. This is one of those trucks that is essential to good work of helping. We can bring what is needed to those in need to them in a time of disaster,” said Duca.

Since 2005, Catholic Charity agencies in Louisiana have helped more than a million people with their disaster response and recovery needs. This truck will also be used for non-disaster-related issues.

“But we can also use this during the year to help give food to communities in our diocese that go hungry throughout the year, that lack food, that lack some of the basic necessities for life,” said Aguillard.