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BATON ROUGE, LA. — The back-to-back SWAC Champions returned to the field going 2-1 opening weekend, as they prepare for a tough schedule this week. However, Southern Baseball is focusing on each game, one at a time. Regardless of their previous success.

“We got to find out how tough we are. That’s what I said early on was that everybody was talking about us repeating as champions. I said, I don’t know about. That’s the 2021 season, but we’re going to be a tough team, hopefully by the end of the season,” said Southern Baseball head coach Chris Crenshaw.

“I feel like the expectation is to go further than just a SWAC championship. I feel like we have some pieces that we really can make some noise,” said senior INF Jovante Davis.

Before the Jaguars get to Regionals, they face LSU on Saturday. Chris Crenshaw and Jay Johnson have something in common. Both are in their first official year as head coach of their programs.

“He’s pretty cool. I talked to him quite a few times. I’ve always liked how his guys played in baseball went on when he was at Arizona. Think Nevada before that. So I’ve kept up with him. I had a few chance to communicate with him and just talk to him about baseball,” said Crenshaw.

I really don’t even look at his skills like I know what games we play when they come. I just try to take everything day by day, just do what I got to do the day. And when that day comes, I know I’ll be ready.

LSU isn’t the only SEC team the Jags have on their calendar. Southern also plays Missouri and down the stretch, Mississippi State.