Actors play out scene during vigil for Abbeville shooting victim, ‘The city has gotten numb to murders.’

ABBEVILLE, La. (KLFY) — Friends and family of 33-year-old Brandon Johnson gathered for a powerful vigil Tuesday night after he was killed in a February shooting in Abbeville.

During the vigil, a pastor and activist spoke about the issue of gun violence, giving a powerful message while actors laid in the street around him, their clothes covered in fake blood, portraying the deaths of those who have fallen victim to senseless shootings.

In the mock scene, one woman held her dying daughter in her arms, begging God to save her.

Another man dawned a police officer’s uniform and held his arm to a man’s throat lying on the ground.

By their side, a man held a prop gun over a man’s body, who laid in a pool of fake blood.

“The city has gotten numb to murders. It’s almost like we expect it. It’s not like it’s a shock to have young black men murdered in the streets of Abbeville now. It’s basically like we’re expecting it to take place or wondering when the next one will take place. It’s almost like it’s a shock to not have a murder,” pastor and activist Lawrence Levy said.

Levy says the senseless killings must end, warning parents their sons and daughters may not live to see 21 years old if they continue.

“It’s a shock to just have a time of peace with no gun shots going off. That’s more of a shock versus the actual people being murdered, and we are in a bad place here in the city of Abbeville, Louisiana,” he added.

Johnson’s mother lost her other son, 21-year-old Eric Walker, to gun violence only six months ago. She is now burying another due to gun violence.