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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Xavier University getting ready to say goodbye to a man who’s been on the campus in some role for a total of 66 years.

Dr. Norman C. Francis, the long-time president, will retire at the end of this school year.

He leaded the University through the last 46 years and is the longest running university president in the nation.

Under his administration the university enrollment tripled and the campus went from five buildings to 16 permanent buildings.

“We have got to close the gaps in all of the quality of life issues, all of them. Education, health, jobs, housing, you name it. And the stats are all there. The playing field is not level. The despairs are not closed. And why I stayed as long as I did at Xavier was to close those gaps,” Francis said as he puts in his last school year.

“It’s the greatest job you could have, really as long as you don’t let it go to your head. You know? And for me, I wouldn’t trade it.”

Dr. Francis actually started his career with Xavier in 1948 as a freshman.

He’s has accomplished a lot in his career including being the first African-American to attend Loyola Law School.

He leaves his post for the final time June 30th next year.

As he enters his last school year, Francis feels education needs to do a better job of reaching out to students from all backgrounds.

The board of trustees isn’t naming any possible replacement candidates, but they hope to have the new president in place by July first of 2015.