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BATON ROUGE – Three men took advantage of icy conditions on a frozen bridge near Baton Rouge to “ski” behind a moving truck.

The trio of unidentified daredevils hopped out of a pickup truck in heavy traffic on I-10 around 5:30 p.m. on January 16 to skid along while gripping the truck’s tailgate.

Chris Serio, who was directly behind the reckless stunt, couldn’t believe what he was recording.

“These guys are skiing behind a truck, on I-10, westbound, on the basin bridge,” Serio can be heard saying as he chuckles at the site. “Only in Louisiana.”

Icy road conditions paralyzed much of south Louisiana overnight and through much of the next day as below freezing conditions persisted.

Schools, government offices, and businesses closed their doors in the face of the uncharacteristically brutal winter conditions, and the all runways at Armstrong International Airport were unusable until after lunchtime, when ice could be cleared.