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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- We’ve all heard the tales of New Orleans being one of the most haunted cities around, especially in the French Quarter.   Have you ever wanted to try and hunt ghosts for yourself?

Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez gets a lesson in what tools you’ll need to track paranormal activity!

If you really want to get into the spirit this Halloween, how about hunting for spirits using these ghost-hunting tools—modified cameras, the Electro-magnetic pump, the Roland digital recorder, and the mel meter.

Paranormal investigator, Kevin Betzer and the owner of Ghost City Tours, Tim Nealon use these tools and give guests the chance to try them for themselves.

“The electro-magnetic pump is used to amplify the activity in the place that we go.   The digital recorder is used to pick up sounds that the human ear can’t hear. The modified cameras are used to pick up any infrared lights.  The melmeter basically has an EMF field, an antenna, so once something gets close and breaks the field then the melmeter will go off,”  Betzer said.

“We provide all the equipment for our guests when you take Ghost City Tours.  There isn’t another tour in the country or in New Orleans that actually lets guests use this equipment.  We’ll show you how to use it and how to interpret the results,”  Nealon said.

One of the stops on the tour is The Starling Magikal Occult Shop on Royal St., where the co-owner, Claudia Williams said unusual paranormal activity has been documented.

“We hear voices.  We occasionally get touched and other people get touched.  I could set down my keys and no one’s around, and then come back and their gone.  Later on, I’ll find the keys in an entirely different location,  Williams said.

Although, the ghosts don’t scare the shop’s owner.

“I feel very supported and protected.  The ghosts are usually good to me and helpful, except I’d really like for them to leave my keys alone,”  Williams said.

Ghost City Tours offers their overnight interactive ghost hunting experience Thursday through Monday.

For information, click HERE:

Kevin Betzer, Tim Nealon, and Randy Hardy are currently working on a new webseries, “The Dead Sessions”, that is being developed and will launch in early 2016.  The first six episodes will take place in New Orleans.

Betzer and Hardy previously starred in “Deep South Paranormal” on the SyFy channel.