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Courtesy Entergy Outage Map

GRAND ISLE, LA – Power is out on Grand Isle as Tropical Storm Barry edges closer to land.

Entergy spokesperson Lee Sabatini said about 2,800 customers are without power at the moment.

There have been reports of downed power lines on the island, Sabatini said, but flooding on Highway 1 and other areas has prevented crews from accessing the island.

“Unfortunately, it’s all storm related,” she said. “The challenge is just getting there to assess the damage at this point, so it might be a little while before we have a more solid idea of what’s going on there.”

Entergy does not yet have a timeframe for restoring power to the island.

Mayor David Camardelle ordered a voluntary evacuation of the island on July 10 at 3 p.m., and that order was upgraded to mandatory by 8:30 a.m. the next morning.

Island officials say they are concerned about residents becoming stranded by rising waters from storm surges.