Transgender Transition: Two women on the journey to find themselves

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Bruce Jenner’s highly anticipated interview with Diane Sawyer airs Friday night.  The former Olympian turned reality star is assumed to be transitioning from a man to a woman.  If Jenner does announce he is changing genders, the news will be significant for transgender equality.  It’s a battle two New Orleans women know all too well.  WGNO’s Deepak Saini has their story.

Two friends on a walk in the park —  you would never know these two women once said farewell to the men they used to be.

“I was born with the name of Charles Fulton Little,” says Crystal Anne Little.

Charles knew early on that something wasn’t right.

“Everybody in the family always used to say, ‘Oh he’s so cute he should have been a girl!’ Little did they realize that yes, I was a girl,” says Little.

A girl, at least that’s how Charles felt on the inside.

“Here I am wanting to curtsy instead bowing like a boy is supposed to do,” says Little.

Charles joined the navy at 17.  After his service, he felt fear and pressure to do what society expected of him.  After all, this was the 1960’s.

“Go ahead and get married because that will cure you. No, it didn’t cure me. All it did was cause disruption in two more lives,” says Little.

After a child and a failed marriage, Charles finally decided to put himself first and transition to Crystal in 1985.  But it came with a cost, his family.

“The judge put it in the court ruling that I could not be around the kid,” says Crystal.

Sometimes, happiness means losing everything you have.

“At this point, I can really hope at some point in the future my family will come back, right now they’re estranged. They feel they’re better off without me,” says Caroline Anne L’Huillier.

Caroline started her transition from Robert four years ago.  The cost of sex reassignment surgery is monumental.  It’s a procedure that’s not easy to afford, but a privilege Caroline was able to have.

“I wanted to cry. It should have happened 40 some odd years ago, not waiting until I’m 50 and having to deal with a broken marriage,” says L’Huillier.

After 19 years with the National Guard, Caroline says she was fired when she decided to change genders.  It’s a change that’s making headlines after Bruce Jenner’s much rumored about transformation.  Both Caroline and Crystal say he has a tough road ahead.

“I can’t wait for Bruce to be the person Bruce wants to be. He’ll be so happy.”

After all, isn’t that the purpose in life?  To find happiness, even if it takes you into your seventies?

“Oh lord have mercy yes child! I am so much happier, more at ease with myself and it shows,” says Little.

For information on Transgender resources in your area, click here.
