The Guichard Family: Going ‘Over the Edge’ for Special Olympics

Donate to Special Olympics Louisiana

DESTREHAN, La. (WGNO) – On Friday folks will be going ‘Over the Edge’, rappelling down all 25 stories of Benson Tower. The event serves as a fundraiser for the Special Olympics and one family is looking forward to it.

Meet the Guichard family: Laurie and twins Matthew and Joseph. The boys attend Destrehan High and on Friday will be going ‘over the edge’ to raise money for Special Olympics of Louisiana. An organization the boys are active in.

Matthew and Joseph have been active in Special Olympics since 2008, initially starting with track and field and expanding as the organization did in St. Charles Parish. And events like ‘Over the Edge’ help to raise funds to keep these programs going.

These programs help out the athletes in a wide variety of ways. The boy’s mom, Laurie, has seen it first hand: “How important Special Olympics is, not only in the athletic world and athletes and building all of that, but it builds character and it builds friendships and comradery.”

So it should be no surprise the Guichard family is active in ‘Over the Edge’. A fun event raising money for a great cause and all the money raised stays right here in Louisiana helping athletes and families discover new things and meet new people along the way.

News with a Twist reporter Jason Disharoon and Good Morning New Orleans anchor Jacki Jing will be rappelling down Benson tower this Friday along with many other folks, including the Guichard twins, in order to raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics. All funds raised stay right here in the state of Louisiana.

If you’d like to donate to push them over the edge, you can do so here. Your donation is tax deductible, just in time for the end of the year, and is greatly appreciated.
