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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – As we hit the halfway point in the year and turn the calendar another page, it’s fun to look back at the last month – and this June was a doozy in terms of heat!!

In fact, at Armstrong International Airport, where the official record is kept for New Orleans, it was the second hottest June on record. When we hit 100 degrees on June 26, it was the first time we hit the century mark officially since July 2, 2011.

June 2016 Highs

So what caused the heat? Several times during the month of June, a broad area of high pressure set up over the viewing area. High pressure is sinking air and sinking air means little to no moisture. This drier air compresses much easier under the weight of the high and heats up much quicker, causing these temperatures in the middle to upper 90s during the summer.  Heading into the weekend, another ridge of high pressure is building, so expect hotter than average temperatures as we head into the July 4 holiday.

Hot June 2016

But what about the rest of July? Can we expect the heat to continue? The short answer: Yes. In fact, the entire country is forecast to have an above average July in terms of temperatures. Louisiana and Southern Mississippi are in the 40% range, meaning there is a 40% chance of temperatures in July being above average.

July Outlook

If you’re hoping rain might help to cool us off, then think again. This was the second hottest June, but we were also above average in terms of rainfall, picking up 9.36 inches for the month and putting us about one and a quarter inches above average. So more rain doesn’t always lead to cooler temps in the larger picture.

It is summer and it is New Orleans, so we’re used to the heat and humidity. But if you’ve been thinking there’s been a bit more heat than usual then you’re correct. So lather up the sunscreen, drink plenty of water and take lots of shade and air conditioned breaks because it looks like the heat beat will continue into July.