Students and parents rally outside of Sophie B. Wright school

Photo courtesy of @erasetheboardnola Facebook

NEW ORLEANS – Students, parents, and even grandparents gathered outside of Sophie B. Wright school early Wednesday morning.

The rally is in response to Tuesday morning’s “meeting,” where parents were told they would have 15 minutes with school officials, to appeal their students punishments.

Instead, parents were in shock to see no one at the school, and just a stack of papers for them to take on the way out.

Parents are still fuming over what is being called “too harsh punishments” for several students, after a senior prank took place on April 5.

The school board voted to overturn the 5-day-suspension, but parents are not happy they did not get their 15 minutes as agreed.

An April 8 statement from a school official explains that the students used water balloons, water guns, eggs, vinegar, and mustard, to vandalize the inside and outside of the school.

The students who participated in the senior prank have so far been banned from walking the stage at graduation, banned from attending senior prom, and were suspended for five days.

And now, Sophie B. Wright High School Board President James Watson says the students involved may be facing criminal charges:

“The incident on April 5 caused injury to at least one teacher and one student. Additionally, school property was sprayed with water and a restroom was compromised. Both personal injury and effects on property are currently under investigation. It is possible that damage caused by these students will result in criminal and civil actions.”