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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – It’s a New Orleans classroom.

A second-grade classroom.

No question about that.

Until there is a question about that.

The question is, in this class, who’s a student and who’s a teacher?

WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood says every hand in class goes up.

That’s because the teachers are also students.

Like Tyrin Batiste.

He’s an 18-year-old high school senior.

Tyrin wants to be a teacher.

So Tuesday and Thursday mornings at ten, he’s here in class at Hynes Elementary School.

Tyrin steps to the top of the class.

As a student still, he’s learning to teach.

Tyrin Batiste says, “I want to be a teacher because I believe education is the solution is to all problems.”

Waunyell O’Connor is another high school student.

She wants to teach, too.

So she’s here in class, as part of a program that’s called Education One.

It’s one way for teachers to practice teaching while they’re still high school students.

Bill Wood says, “You want to be a teacher, the most important job on Earth.”

Waunyell O’Connor says, “Being a teacher to me is helping, inspiring, and guiding young minds to be the next greater, generation.”

After college, teachers-in-training are guaranteed to get hired.

It’s job security.

Maybe, right back here at Hynes.

In second grade.”

Tyrin Batiste says, “I want to be the reason why children wake up in the morning and say I want to go to school.”