Statement from Jason Williams’ attorney, on indictment

NEW ORLEANS – On Friday, it was announced that a federal grand jury returned an 11-count indictment charging 47-year-old Jason R. Williams, of New Orleans, with conspiracy to defraud the United States, aiding and assisting in the preparation and presentation of false and fraudulent tax returns, and failure to file IRS Forms 8300 relating to cash received in trade or business.

In response to this indictment, Billy Gibbens, attorney for Councilman Jason Williams, released the following statement, proclaiming his innocence.

We are deeply disappointed that the government has chosen to indict Jason Williams simply for following the advice of his tax preparer.

We also question why the government would take such action against a declared candidate for Orleans Parish District Attorney less than a month before the campaign begins.

For years, Jason paid Henry Timothy, who held himself out as a CPA, to file his taxes. Every year at tax time, Jason would send his information to Mr. Timothy, and Mr. Timothy would prepare his returns. There was never any hint of a problem.

Last year, the IRS informed Jason that it believed some of his business expense deductions were inappropriate. These deductions were fully disclosed on Jason’s returns, and the decision to take these deductions was Mr. Timothy’s.

Initially, Mr. Timothy stood by his work. He assured us that he – not Jason – made all tax decisions, that he handled Jason’s returns the same as all his clients’, and that there was nothing wrong with Jason’s taxes.

However, after Mr. Timothy learned that he was under investigation by the IRS, he changed his tune and now claims that Jason “pressured” him to take improper deductions. That is a lie.

We have also determined that Mr. Timothy was not a CPA as he claimed, and yesterday a judge issued a court order prohibiting Mr. Timothy from continuing to represent himself as a CPA to the public, as he misled Jason for many years.

On behalf of Jason Williams, we ask that any former clients of Henry Timothy or B & B Accounting Services, LLC contact us at 504-680-6065, so that the truth will come out and Jason will not be penalized for Mr. Timothy’s actions.

Jason is innocent of these charges and looks forward to his day in court.