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NEW ORLEANS – Wanna spice up your pumpkin this Halloween?  Instead of carving a pumpkin, how about making one entirely out of glass?

News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez went to YAYA Arts Center in Central City to learn how to make a glass pumpkin!

The whole glass pumpkin making process takes about ten minutes.  YAYA provides educational and art opportunities for young people all year round.

James Vella is the Manager at YAYA’s Glass Studio, and he’s just the artist to show us all how to make a glass pumpkin!

“It may look like we are trying to go fast,” Vella said. “We are more trying to be precise, and we are trying to get as much done before the glass cools.”

Executive Director of YAYA Meg Miles said, “YAYA is a community arts center in Central City and one of our goals is to teach people about glass arts.  Glass pumpkins are an incredibly popular event and it’s an opportunity to come in and learn what we do and get a beautiful fall decoration to take home with you.”

This Saturday, YAYA will be hosting their “Make Your Own Glass Pumpkin” class from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Everyone ages 12 and up is invited, and the cost is $40.

For more information about YAYA and their glass pumpkin making, click HERE.