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NEW ORLEANS – The Louisiana SPCA says they have identified the rider caught on video beating the horse he was riding in the Krewe of Oshun parade last week.

The disturbing video showed the rider punching and kicking the horse while yanking at the reigns, which the Humane Society of Louisiana said could cause severe pain to the horse.

Now, that rider is one step closer to justice.

Louisiana SPCA Humane Law and Rescue identified the rider as a guest of the Nu Generations riding group, but is withholding the name of the rider.

The captain of the Nu Generations riding group and the anonymous rider went to the Louisiana SPCA on February 5, where the rider was issued a citation for animal cruelty and issued an arraignment date.

The captain said the guest rider would not be allowed to ride with Nu Generations again, according to the SPCA.

The horse that was abused in the video is in a stable in another parish and will be seized by animal control.

“We would like to thank the public for their quick action with helping us identify the person responsible in this case,” Humane Officer Brandi Thibodeaux said. “Our role in charging those with animal cruelty is to investigate and issue citations. The prosecution of this case is now in the hands of NOPD and the City of New Orleans.”