Section of Elysian Fields Avenue to close on Saturday for road work

NEW ORLEANS – On Saturday, September 19, the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works contractor Barriere Construction will temporarily close one travel lane on Elysian Fields Avenue between North Rampart and North Peters streets.

Construction crews will mill the parking lane and will close the travel lane next to the parking lane for safety.

The closure will begin at 7:00 a.m. and should be reopened by 5:00 p.m.

“Public safety is our priority; residents and commuters are reminded to use caution when driving, bicycling and walking near the construction site. The project is scheduled to be completed in November 2020. Lane closure signs will be in place throughout construction. “

During this time, street parking and/or driveway access may be impacted. Residents and visitors must adhere to any “No Parking” signs on the streets to avoid being ticketed and towed.   

The roadway improvements are part of Moving New Orleans Bikes’ ongoing effort to improve roadways and safety for people riding bikes. This project is one of three currently underway: