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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— Since Halloween is on Monday, many will do some celebrating over the weekend. If you haven’t thought about safety on the streets and in your homes, here are some tips to make sure you don’t have a fright you don’t want this weekend.

  • Stay alert, there are many ways for a scare during halloween weekend and we want to leave the scares to the ghosts at the haunted houses.
    • It’s so easy for an accident to happen while it’s dark outside, whether it’s losing your child in the crowd, tripping over decoration in the dark, a house catching fire from a jack-o-lantern or the attempts to dodge the darting kids in the streets while you’re driving.
  • If you have little ones 12 years old and younger, someone should go with them trick-or-treating.
  • Be sure that you take a picture of the kiddo in their costume before leaving the house in case you do get separated. You’ll have a picture to show other parents to help you find them.
  • Bring a flash light so that there are no trip-and-fall incidents while trying to reach your neighbor’s front door.
  • Make sure your home is secure before you leave.
    • Criminals look for crime of opportunity and Halloween makes for the perfect one.
    • Lock your windows and doors.
    • Make sure the porch lights are on, and set the security alarm to be sure you’re not an easy target.
  • Road safety:
    • Avoid neighborhood shortcuts.
      • If you normally cut through a neighborhood on your way home, take the long way this weekend. Neighborhood streets are likely to be buzzing with little trick-or-treaters.
    • Watch for children in the street. As they cross, remind them to look both ways before crossing.
    • Slow down and drive sober.