Robert Durst pleads guilty to Louisiana gun charges

In this handout provided by the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, OPSO, Robert Durst poses for a mugshot photo after being arrested and detained March 14, 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Real estate heir and accused murderer Robert Durst pleaded guilty in federal court to a weapons charge in New Orleans Wednesday.

A weak, feeble Robert Durst shuffled into the courtroom wearing an orange jumpsuit and handcuffed chained at the waist. The 72-year-old repeatedly said he couldn’t hear well when asked questions and said he was on a “whole slew of medications.”

But when asked if he was guilty, he responded clearly and quickly, saying, “I plead guilty”.

Durst has been stuck in Louisiana since March. Police arrested him after a revolver was found in his New Orleans hotel room. He allegedly was trying to flee the country. He is also accused of murdering a friend in Los Angeles 15 years ago.

After, Durst’s guilty plea, the U.S. Assistant District Attorney showed the judge three documents.

But Durst is not out of the woods yet. The judge has not agreed. The judge ordered that Durst meet with a probation officer in two weeks for a pre-sentence report.

Then sentencing will be on April 27, 2016.

Durst’s lawyer wants to meet the last week of March, but the judge said he would only move up the date if all the pre-sentencing paperwork and matters are resolved.

WGNO spoke to attorneys from both sides about what they think will happen with the case in California:

“It will be a very fiercely fought case. I think he will be convicted out there, but that’s my opinion,” said U.S. Assistant District Attorney Michael McMahon.

“Bob Durst does not know who killed Susan Berman, he doesn’t know who did and he wants to prove it. He wants to get to California, as quickly as he can,” said Robert Durst’s Attorney Dick DeGuerin.

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