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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — As the recall against New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell continues to collect signatures, the mayor’s campaign team that’s fighting the effort is bolstering its claims that it’s funded mostly by Republicans.

At question is the NoLaToya group’s financial statement filed on Monday, October 10. The report lists the people who have donated to the recall effort and the amount of money they gave.

In all, the campaign shows more than 100 pages of donations for a total of $57,647. But two men are responsible for $30k of that number. The Cantrell campaign team says both men have ties to Republicans.

It’s not the first time the Cantrell campaign has made the comment regarding the political affiliation of some recall donors.

The NoLaToya group countered that it has collected thousands of signatures in support of the recall from people who represent a variety of political views in New Orleans.

Responding to this most recent donation claim, the NoLaToya group says the mayor is trying to distract attention from her job performance.

The recall campaign was launched in late August. It has 180 days to collect approximately 53k signatures from registered voters in New Orleans to move the recall effort forward.