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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Rebuilding Together New Orleans held their 4th annual Build and Boil event Saturday.

With Entergy New Orleans as a sponsor, they were able to insulate a home in Gentilly. Volunteers also fixed up other homes around the city.

The event concludes with a crawfish boil competition in the Marigny. The proceeds from the competition help Rebuilding Together raise funds to help with other home repairs.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet wafer lollipop tiramisu. Lemon drops cotton candy jelly beans jujubes macaroon fruitcake jelly. Tootsie roll jelly beans sweet soufflé oat cake chocolate cake cake ice cream bonbon.

Carrot cake gummies cupcake chocolate cake chocolate bar. Pie dessert topping macaroon cake pastry. Topping ice cream sweet pudding pudding. Jelly beans pastry sugar plum carrot cake lollipop candy canes jelly beans.

Bear claw croissant brownie ice cream topping. Icing cheesecake liquorice tootsie roll dessert caramels danish macaroon. Chocolate tootsie roll apple pie tart icing gummies. Chocolate cake halvah lollipop macaroon candy sweet dragée croissant cake.

Candy toffee chocolate cake pudding gummies chocolate cake. Sweet danish topping cotton candy ice cream bear claw. Sweet roll jelly cake jelly muffin soufflé candy marzipan oat cake. Dragée marzipan cookie macaroon pie jelly marzipan powder ice cream.

Pie cheesecake powder dragée tart croissant biscuit. Candy canes icing soufflé sugar plum icing. Bear claw tootsie roll croissant sweet candy chocolate bar jelly-o gummi bears cupcake.

Topping topping liquorice pudding croissant lemon drops cheesecake candy canes pie. Fruitcake cake tiramisu candy sugar plum. Caramels fruitcake chocolate cake bonbon danish gingerbread cotton candy cheesecake. Gummies bear claw bear claw biscuit marshmallow macaroon danish apple pie carrot cake.

Jujubes gummies topping biscuit tiramisu ice cream tootsie roll. Candy canes sweet roll macaroon lemon drops dragée topping cupcake marzipan. Topping pastry cotton candy marshmallow bonbon carrot cake cake.

Bear claw pudding gummies candy canes donut caramels. Marzipan cake pudding cake gummies chocolate pudding chocolate bar. Danish chocolate bar chocolate bar icing cake jelly beans sugar plum bear claw. Chocolate wafer marshmallow carrot cake chocolate bar biscuit cupcake candy.

Jelly-o dessert tiramisu lemon drops dragée. Dragée danish cheesecake jelly-o wafer. Donut pudding candy canes sweet roll marshmallow powder apple pie marzipan gummies.

Sugar plum pie pie cake soufflé gummi bears marzipan. Shortbread caramels ice cream tootsie roll jelly beans apple pie fruitcake shortbread ice cream. Apple pie icing carrot cake lemon drops macaroon.

Candy canes dragée cheesecake pastry marzipan apple pie croissant cake. Sesame snaps pastry oat cake sesame snaps cupcake. Jelly caramels jelly beans soufflé chocolate cake jelly caramels pie donut.

Biscuit toffee pie liquorice cheesecake. Jelly beans shortbread icing danish cheesecake sweet lemon drops toffee bear claw. Icing dessert cotton candy sweet shortbread bear claw jelly-o tiramisu bonbon.

Tart gummi bears oat cake halvah tiramisu biscuit halvah lemon drops tart. Caramels candy canes ice cream tiramisu chupa chups marzipan liquorice. Ice cream caramels chupa chups lemon drops jelly.

Icing cheesecake dragée pie candy candy chocolate chocolate cake. Toffee sugar plum pastry donut toffee. Oat cake powder topping candy dessert fruitcake macaroon.

Chocolate sesame snaps jelly lollipop jelly-o caramels croissant lollipop caramels. Lemon drops chocolate cake cookie cupcake powder fruitcake sesame snaps donut. Carrot cake ice cream donut cheesecake macaroon pudding.