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NEW ORLEANS – A woman was taken for a wild ride after she hopped onto the hood of her own vehicle to stop three young girls from stealing it.

The carjacking occurred around 2 p.m. on December 3 near the intersection of Spain Street and Mirabeau Avenue, according to initial reports by the NOPD.

The 25-year-old victim told police the three girls approached her in the Eighth District, which includes the French Quarter and Downtown area, and asked for a ride.

The woman agreed to take the girls – ages 16, 13, and 12 – to the intersection of Mirabeau and Mandeville Street.

When they were close, the girls attacked the woman and dragged her from her vehicle, according to the NOPD.

The girls then attempted to drive away, but the woman hopped onto the hood of the vehicle in an attempt to stop the carjacking.

The girls drove the vehicle, with the woman still clinging to the hood, for a few blocks until they were able to dislodge the woman.

The girls then crashed the vehicle, hopped out, and fled on foot.

They were captured and arrested a short time later, according to the NOPD.