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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — “Staying with a lady so badly mutilated until she passed away.. I’ve never seen anything like that – it’s horrific,” said Mark Mascar.

He was the last person with Linda Frickey before she took her last breath.

Frickey died after falling victim to a carjacking, which ultimately lead to her being dragged by a car and her arm being ripped off.

Four teens have been arrested in connection to the case.

“Everyone is just walking around very carefully now – it’s changed the whole dynamics of this area,” said Mascar.

The youngest teen was just 15-years-old. It’s proof to Mascar that more needs to be done for our youth.

“Somewhere along the road, they broke. They weren’t given the guidance or support,” Mascar said.

City Council Member Oliver M. Thomas Jr. agrees.

“We are seeing a proliferation of teen crime. Young adults and juveniles shouldn’t be involved in criminal activity,” he said.

According to the Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights, their most recent stats show back in 2017 a total of 937 juveniles were arrested in Orleans Parish.

Councilmember Thomas says lately there’s been a resurgence.

“We have to create a society where our youth and our juveniles have better choices,” he said. “We are working with organizations that do outreach, and would love to see more conflict resolution in schools.”

He adds it’s past time for the community to step in.

“Wrap our arms around our kids so that they don’t get handcuffs wrapped around their wrists.”

On Tuesday, the Orleans Parish District Attorney met with the family of Frickey. Specifics haven’t been released, but the D.A.’s office confirms they, along with NOPD, are committed to a thorough investigation so that when the police report and evidence are submitted to the D.A.’s office they’ll be in a position to ensure justice will be served.

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