NOFD: Six people displaced after three-alarm fire on Delachaise Street

On December 28, the New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD) received a 911 call reporting a fire at 1924 Delachaise Street.

Fire Companies arrived at 11:12 p.m. to find the framework of a two-story wood frame home fully engulfed in flames which spread to exposures on either side of the home.

A second alarm was called at 11:13 p.m. as firefighters fought to protect the houses on either side of the original fire building. And at 11:54 p.m., a third alarm was called for extra manpower as the framework of the original fire building partially collapsed.

Two families consisting of five adults and one child were displaced due to this fire and are currently being assisted by the American Red Cross.

Neighbors stated that construction crews worked on the house daily.  The original fire building had no utilities and the cause is suspicious in origin.

There were no injuries reported and the cause is under investigation.