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NEW ORLEANS — The first big reveal came Tuesday at the public library on Loyola Avenue. A crowd gathered to hear the results of a new study on public transportation.

While the speakers took turns at the podium, busses from New Orleans and Jefferson Parish could be seen through the building’s large windows as the picked up and dropped off riders along the street.

Those busses were precisely why the crowd was there.

For the past year, the New Links team had been gathering and evaluating input from public transportation passengers. The hope to improve the routes inside of New Orleans and Jefferson Parish as well as the connections between the two.

After the data was collected for the first phase of the New Links plan, the team released three concepts, or models for the second phase.

The first model simply tweaks the RTA and JET transportation routes and schedules that are already in place. But it schedules busses to arrive at the same time every hour. It also allows for busses to run later into the night.
