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NEW ORLEANS — The National WWII Museum has one of the great collections of restored and preserved items from the war.  Sometimes the museum’s workers can help others restore or preserve their items from the era.

Recently, a man from the Houston area named Cameron Miller brought a collection of photos to the museum.  Miller had a family friend who served in WWII as a photographer.  After the family friend’s death, the photos became Miller’s.

“I didn’t want to know just what I had, but am I taking care of them the right way,” Miller told WGNO.

We went along with him as he took the collection to the experts at the WWII Museum.

Miller spoke with Toni Kiser, one of the museum’s experts on how to properly store photos so that they do not become damaged over the years.

He also spoke with Larry Decuers, a curator at the museum who helped Miller identify some of the photos and the circumstances surrounding them.

“Having the picture isn’t enough. To have a story with the picture means so much more,” Miller said.

Museum workers say they get calls every day from people who have items from the era and are wondering if they’re of historical significance.

To see what the workers told Miller, click on the video button at the top of this page.