More than four monuments to go? Some say yes!

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Governor Bobby Jindal says he will try to find a way to prevent elected leaders in New Orleans from taking down confederate monuments in the city.  The move follows two meetings of city commissions that recommended four monuments be removed.

But during the public meetings, many people who addressed the commissions made it clear that they see the four monuments as just a starting point.  Some also called for the Bienville and Andrew Jackson statues along Decatur Street to come down.  Click on the video button above to hear their reasons why they want the statues removed.

Also during the meeting, at least one commission member asked Deputy Mayor Judy Reese Morse if the city had selected a site for relocation of the monuments.  Morse said that issue could be settled in the future.

The city council will take into consideration the recommendations of the commissions and make a final decision on the monuments during a future meeting.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu has made it clear that he thinks the confederate monuments no longer represent the morals of the city and he wants them removed.

For others at the commissions’ meeting, statues are just the start.  They’d like to see the names of schools and streets also considered for change.  For more on the story, click on the video button above.

Click here for more coverage of Thursday’s meetings.