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NEW ORLEANS— Loyola University’s uptown campus has populated more newsrooms across the country than any other New Orleans institution, and that work continues today
as the business of news gathering has evolved.

Lisa Collins, School of Communication and Design Director stated,”The pace of journalism has accelerated very quickly, we get news 24/7 and so that really changes how we do our job as journalists and how we teach students to report.”

Among the students that has excelled in this new news landscape is Senior Mass Comm and History major Ja’Colbi Rivers. He’s the recipient of the first WGNO Loyola scholarship.

According to Collins, “He’s a team leader. He works with students at varying levels of talent and skill. He helps them all feel like they’re a part of the Maroon Minute.”

Lisa Collins, Loyola University School of Communication and Design Director (WGNO-TV)

That Maroon Minute is a daily broadcast, produced by the students.

“It’s basically just a standard newscast but with Loyola news primarily and how the news around the city affects Loyola in general,” said Rivers.

As a double major and executive producer of the daily show, Rivers says the scholarship comes at a good time to support his goals

According to Rivers, “It’s a huge financial burden being lifted off me and my family, so now I can focus on my studies, and I don’t have to worry about getting a job or when to do my school work when I get off my job.”