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The Mystic Krewe of Nyx is in hot water again after “liking” a tweet proclaiming “white power.”

On Monday the Krewe posted to both its Facebook and Twitter accounts accepting new members for Mardi Gras 2021.

One of the responses to the tweet proposes that Nyx allow men to ride, while also saying “to hell with BLM,” short for Black Lives Matter.

The tweet ends with “white power.” Right before their Twitter account was temporarily shut down, the only “like” to the tweet was from the Krewe of Nyx itself.

In a statement from Nyx Captain Julie Lea, through an attorney, she explained that the tweet was accidentally “liked” by a “apprentice social media account administrator.”

The “administrator” was in the process of deleting tweets and responses to the original post accepting applications when it was “mistakenly liked due to an inadvertent keystroke prior to its intended deletion.”

Lea’s full statement is below:

“The content in the tweet is absolutely unacceptable and contrary to every heartfelt belief and standard of myself and The Krewe of Nyx. This language is NOT tolerated by the Krewe of Nyx.  In keeping with such standards, the apprentice social media account administrator was in the process of deleting the numerous tweets and comments including the tweet in question when said tweet was mistakenly “liked” due to an inadvertent keystroke prior to its intended deletion. The origin of the tweet apparently arose from an anonymous intolerant individual or member of a group hostile to the Krewe of Nyx and not associated with the Krewe of Nyx.  Out of an abundance of caution, the Krewe of Nyx temporarily shut down its official Twitter account to implement procedures to prevent any further administrative mishaps.”

The Krewe of Nyx first drew negative attention after posting an “All Lives Matter” post to their social media accounts, not long after the killing of George Floyd.

That lead to hundreds of members leaving the Mardi Gras Krewe.

The Krewe of Nyx, and Lea herself now face multiple lawsuits from former members who are asking for refunds for their 2021 dues.