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NEW ORLEANS– Every year our Christmas Elf Kenny Lopez helps spread holiday cheer to those who need it most with “Kenny’s 12 Days Of Giving.”

On Day Eleven of “Kenny’s 12 Days Of Giving, Kenny is giving the gift of good grub from Melba’s.  Melba’s donated a $200 gift card, which can get the lucky person po-boys for a month.

The person chosen to receive this great gift is Jimmy Smith who was recently homeless but is now getting his life together and he even landed a part-time job.  He is an artist and here’s a photo of some of his art.  Representatives from Depaul USA New Orleans wrote in for Jimmy.

“Jimmy is always one of the most grateful and kind-hearted individuals that I’ve had the pleasure to work with.  The climb out of homelessness and the lifestyle that often accompanies it can be quite difficult.

For more information about Melba’s, click HERE.

For more information about Depaul USA, click HERE.