JPSO: Several children now possible victims in school bus sex investigation

METAIRIE, La. (WGNO) — The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office says it is now looking into the possibility of four children being attacked sexually on a school bus.  All of the children are under the age of 10.  The investigation is focusing on 13-year-old boy.  Deputies say they’re reviewing surveillance video from the bus.

The case began last week with one accusation from a relative of one of the children. That relative told WGNO that she believes there could be as many as 10 victims involved in the scenario.

The Jefferson Parish Public School System is not revealing if the 13-year-old boy is still a student at Estelle Elementary or if he continues to ride a bus to school.

But the district did release a statement.

“When we learned of the reported incident on the bus with students from Estelle Elementary last week, the principal took quick and decisive action including the appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with the policies of the Jefferson Parish School Board. In addition, the principal met with the parents of the students involved in the reported incident. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) prohibits school officials from releasing any information contained in a student’s educational record which would include documentation such as an attendance record or a disciplinary action form. The administration of Estelle Elementary will remain available to support its students and families. We will continue to cooperate with the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office in its investigation,” it reads.

So far, there have been no charges filed or arrests in the investigation.