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HAMMOND, La. (WGNO) — A freak accident at the Louisiana Renaissance Fest left a star performer paralyzed, thankfully only temporarily.

On Saturday, November 6, 26-year-old John McKeane, known by close friends as Jack, took an incredibly hard fall while jousting at the Ren Fest.

The accident happened on opening day, in the second part of their show, around 4 p.m.

Jack and his jousting partner, Marcus Desmond, were doing their lance passes like usual, but tragedy struck on the last pass.

John McKeane, photo courtesy of Marcus Desmond

Desmond’s lance hit Jack in the guard and shot up into his buff (the part that protects your face.)

According to Desmond, the force of the blow lifted Jack up out of the saddle.

Jack has been jousting for 4 years, and Desmond says this freak accident, was just that.

“We know the dangers associated with what we do and people have broken bones before but in the 30+ year history of this company, no one has ever broken their back or landed on their neck,” said Desmond.

Desmond said as of right now Mckeane is in good spirits and even cracking jokes— which is a good sign.

Friends of John McKeane created a Gofundme to help pay for recovery expenses.

According to Madi Johnson, the organizer of McKeanes Gofundme, he is on the road to recovery.

It is expected that it will take months before he can walk and far longer before he can work regularly. 

Here is the link to help.

John McKeane, photo courtesy of Marcus Desmond