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METAIRIE – New independent power lines connected to a pump station on the Jefferson Parish side of the 17th Street Canal will provide backup power to the Carrollton Power Plant in the case of an emergency.

Jefferson Parish officials said the additional lines, which were installed by Entergy Louisiana, will provide tertiary power to the Sewerage and Water Board’s beleaguered pumping system with the flip of a switch if an emergency arises again.

“My administration, Councilwoman Jennifer VanVrancken and Councilman Paul Johnston worked with our Public Works team and Commissioner Skrmetta through the weekend to consider a number of possible solutions that would prevent our parish from losing any of its pumping capacity at Pump Station 6 in the event of a heavy rainfall,” Jefferson Parish President Michael Yenni said. “The Commissioner was particularly instrumental in lifting the bureaucratic hurdles that allow Entergy Louisiana to move quickly on providing an alternate power source to a critical plant. This was a team effort that generated quick results to better protect our people and property.”

The power supply for the massive pumps that drain floodwater from Orleans Parish became a hot button issue after widespread flooding brought New Orleans to a standstill on August 5.

Less than one week later, a fire in a control panel at the Carrollton pump station sidelined most of the city’s pumping capacity.

Crews have been working overtime to restore full pumping capacity for Orleans Parish, and 26 generators have been shipped in to provide redundant power supplies.

The move by Entergy and Jefferson Parish to provide another source of power is designed to provide further security to citizens of both parishes.

“Our collective decision to act quickly and pro-actively has further protected Jefferson Parish from the consequences of a power failure,” Entergy Louisiana Chief Executive Officer Phillip May said. “This action on behalf of our citizens is the equivalent of putting four spare tires in the trunk of a car. The new distribution line will become a permanent addition to the Entergy supply options powering Pump Station 6.”