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DAUPHIN ISLAND, Ala. — The strong surf turned a parked car into part of the beach.

“It’s crazy seeing it happen,” said Garrett Young, who’s car was overtaken by sand.

Young started his vacation on the island on Thursday. Tropical Storm Barry ruining not just his car, but his plans.

“The tire right here, it just sunk down because of the frame it just continued to sink in,” Young said.

The 2013 Dodge Charger is filled with water.

A tow truck was called, but even that could not get it out.

“You can’t help, but be upset,” he said. “We got out here we did everything we could, we broke a couple straps trying to get it out.”

There is nothing left to do now, but watch the strong surf wash away the memories of his car.

“After an hour of watching the sand get higher and higher and higher, you can’t do much and it’s just helpless,” Young said.