“It’s $3.70. it’s almost the price of a gallon of milk,” Metairie drivers react to rise in gas prices

METAIRIE, La. (WGNO) — It’s a crisis with no end in sight.

Don Redman with AAA said he’s expecting prices close to $4/gallon within the next few days. According to him, the last time Louisiana saw a price hike like this was in 2011 when there were tensions in the Middle East.

Redman claimed it’s a fear of what could happen to the oil industry that’s causing the spike this time.

“We’re up almost 15 cents since yesterday, 50 cents higher than where we were a month ago and about a dollar and a quarter more than this time last year,” Redman said.

There are other factors as well, he said, especially in Southeastern parts of the state where cities are still recovering from Ida.

However, that isn’t stopping drivers from hitting the road – not like they had a choice anyway.

“I gotta drive a jeep with New Orleans streets,” Jordan Guinta of Chalmette said. “It’s the only thing that lasts so to speak ya know with potholes every 5 minutes.”

Some people, like Ricco March of Thibodaux, have even thought up ideas of their own to hopefully stop paying so much every time they fill up.

“We can’t be dependent on foreign oil,” March said. “It cost my company and me more in the long run. So, that’s the prices we have to pass on to the customer.”