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BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. — The quaint little town of Bay St. Louis has a rich history that dates back to 1699, when Bienville came ashore on St. Louis Feast Day (hence the name).

New Orleans photographer David Spielman takes us on a tour of this Mississippi gem through interesting interviews with locals — and a photo and video essay you can see above.

Less than an hour away from New Orleans, Bay St. Louis is a complete respite from the big city life, Spielman says. Over in Bay St. Louis, things are just a little slower.

“We say that all the time about Bay St. Louis in general: if you’re not laid back, don’t come,” says Murphy’s Restaurant & Bar co-owner Ken Murphy. “‘Cause you’re going to be so laid back when we get done or when you get done that you’ll want to take a nap.”

The beautiful bay for which the town is named has captivating water, and you can feel the sand under your feet.

“It’s a wonderful way to escape and see another part of the Gulf South,” Spielman says.

If you’ve never taken the hour drive east on I-10 to peaceful Bay St. Louis, do yourself a favor. You won’t regret it.