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METAIRIE, La. (WGNO) — “I don’t wake up angry anymore, that’s kind of how it was in the beginning just because of how my mind was, said hit-and-run victim Tyler Wehrlin.

23-year-old Wehrlin is lucky to be alive. He was walking across the street after dinner at Rock-n-Sake in Metairie last month when he was struck by a car.

“Like, I see the circle across the street, and now I know where I parked and everything but I didn’t remember anything until I got here,” said Wehrlin.

That circle marks where Tyler’s head landed after the accident. At first, doctors were unsure if Tyler would make it. His recovery has been miraculous, but the majority of his injuries are unseen by the naked eye.

Rachel Mcmahan, Tyler’s mom said the damage is internal. “So if you see his MRI you can still see things going on like bruising on his brain, fractures, hematomas “

Tyler Wehrlin, the hit-and-run victim said he had some challenges. “My challenges are really just my mental health honestly, it’s really just kind of — just not being able to do what I used to be able to do anymore or what I want to do.”

Knowing of Tyler’s situation, Rock-N-Sake wanted to step in and help by hosting a benefit to raise money for his recovery.

The managing partner of Rock-N-Sake Sushi, Tisbee Dantin said 100 percent of the donations will go to Tyler.

The blood center also showed up, giving ten dollars towards Tyler’s recovery for every person who made a donation.
Dozens of people came to the benefit — showing their support for Tyler.

James Wehrlin, Tyler’s dad said he was overwhelmed with support.

“It’s amazing the number of people who came together, but a general sense of community. We are grateful for all the support we’ve gotten over the last month or so. “

WGNO asked Tyler, what would he say to the person who almost killed him…

“I let karma do its thing, that’s just how I am. But I just hope they find him and they get what they deserve from the whole situation,” said Tyler Wehrlin.