NEW ORLEANS — Contraflow, or the reversal of the normal flow of traffic, will begin in South Louisiana with a Category 4 or 5 storm, or a slow-moving Category 3 storm.
If you’re trying to evacuate, do you know where to go?
On I-10, the westbound split is right around the Clearview area between Clearview and Causeway. If you get on the normal westbound side, you’re going to be rerouted North to I-55. If you’re on the contraflow side, which are the eastbound lanes, that’s going to take you out west to Laplace and then toward Baton Rouge.
If you are traveling north on theCauseway, you’re going to be routed to I-12 West and then to I-55 North.
How about if you start on I-12 West in Slidell? That’s going take you to U.S. 190, and 190 is going to go all the way to Baton Rouge on the westbound side.
I-55 is also going be contraflow, which means both sides will be going northbound to a certain exit in Mississippi. It’s the same for I-59. That will also be contraflow, which means both the south and northbound side of I-59 will take you up just before Hattiesburg before resuming normal flow.
Make your plans now in case you do have to evacuate this hurricane season.