Humane Society rescues 12 malnourished farm animals

Photo courtesy of the Humane Society of Louisiana

NEW ORLEANS – The Humane Society of Louisiana recently rescued a dozen animals from a Mississippi farm littered with animal carcasses.

The Humane Society received a tip about what the group’s director Jeff Dorson described as a “semi-abandoned farm” in Walthall County, Mississippi.

Six horses, three cows, and three donkeys were rescued from the property, and Dorson said the rescuers found clear signs of ongoing animal neglect in the multiple animal carcasses spread throughout the property.

The animals are suffering from overgrown hooves, are malnourished, and have a bacterial skin infection called “rain rot,” Dorson said.

“We credit our hard-working staff and the deputies from the Walthall County Sheriff’s Office for quickly and effectively processing this crime scene and transporting the surviving animals to safety,” he said. “The animals are receiving excellent care and attention, and since our humane society does not receive any city, state or federal funding, we are asking individuals, businesses and foundations to donate for their upkeep and recovery. We estimate that it will cost several thousands of dollars to house, medicate and feed them.”

Donations for the care of the farm animals may given online at www.humanela.org.

The Humane Society is also hosting a benefit this Tuesday night, April 25th, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Eiffel Society, 2040 St. Charles, New Orleans.

Tickets are $12.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit http://news.humanela.org/events/.
