Hot, cold, and spicy all over – the Watermelon Jalapeño Sno-ball

NEW ORLEANS – Jalapeños on a sno-ball? It took some real out-of-the-cup thinking to put something so hot on top of something so cold and sweet – but boy does it work.

The jalapeño sno-ball is the brainchild of Neesa at the Imperial Woodpecker sno-ball stand.

“I love mixing flavors [putting] contradicting flavors together,” she said.

Like a chemist in the lab, Neesa came up with a crazy combination – watermelon and jalapeño, created in her own contradicting flavor mind.

It’s like a friend and an enemy coming together in the same snow-ball.

The result is hard to describe, so you’ll just have to head on over to Imperial Sno-balls and try one for yourself!
