Hot August Night pushed to a later date due to COVID-19 surge across Louisiana

HAMMOND, La. (WGNO) — With the recent rise of COVID-19 cases across Louisiana events are getting postponed and even canceled.

Hot August Night in downtown Hammond is one of them. The event was supposed to be held on August 27, but on Thursday, the Hammond Downtown Development District and its Board of Directors announced the official postponement.

This announcement came after input from many downtown Hammond merchants who wanted to help protect the health of not only their customers but the Hammond community as a whole.

Along with merchants a professional opinion from a local doctor was taken into consideration for the postponement.

Doctor Robert Peltier, Chief Medical Officer at North Oaks Health System said, “Based upon the above situation in which our community finds itself, it is my recommendation that all large gatherings of individuals, including Hot August Night, be postponed to a later date when the percent positivity and the incidence of infections in our community and the subsequent pressure on the healthcare systems in our state return to a manageable level,” said Peltier. “An event such as Hot August Night proceeding would signal to the public that social distancing and personal interactions do not contribute to the spread of disease.”

A new date will be announced later this year.

All vendors and merchants who have paid Hot August Night fees will be credited for the future
event date.

Those who wish to be completely refunded should contact DDD Executive Director
Chelsea Tallo Little via email at tallo_ca@hammond.org.

All Wine Walk participants will be fully refunded before August 27, 2021.

For more information, please visit their website.