Hope happens here at Giving Hope NOLA

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Giving hope is what’s happening here.

And it’s the perfect name for the place where it is happening…

It’s Giving Hope NOLA.

It’s a non-profit that feeds the needs of neighbors.

And on one special day, you probably spot some folks out here, working and wearing WGNO shirts.

WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood is one of the folks in one of those shirts.

It’s for our Founder’s Day of Giving.

Every year, on the very date our company called Nexstar was founded by Perry Sook, our TV stations, like WGNO, give their staff paid time off to volunteer in the community.

Last year on Founder’s Day of Giving, across America, we worked 15,198 hours.

At Giving Hope NOLA, from deliving food by the box, to placing foster kids in forever homes, to a plan to put Angola inmates into jobs, that’s just part of the mission here.

WGNO is giving help and giving back.

And in New Orleans, that’s just the way hope happens.