Homes of the stars: Where the celebrities live in New Orleans

1527 Harmony St, New Orleans, LA 70115 (WGNO/Kenny Lopez)

NEW ORLEANS– Ever wonder where the celebrities live in New Orleans?   It’s well known that Hollywood South is home to many superstars.  In fact, many of them live in the Garden District.

News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez takes us on a little tour of where the stars live.

Football greats Peyton Manning and Eli Manning grew up in a home on First & Coliseum Streets.  Their parents Archie & Olivia Manning still live there.  We bet Peyton & Eli come home for the holidays.

Oscar winner Sandra Bullock has many homes all over the United States, but lives part time on Fourth & Coliseum Streets.

Actor John Goodman who’s filmed many movies and TV shows in New Orleans lives on Second & Coliseum Streets.  If you’re lucky you just may see him walking his dog around the neighborhood, which he does on a regular basis.

The newest superstar neighbors in the Garden District are Beyonce & Jay-Z.  They bought their mansion on Harmony Street  between St. Charles Avenue and Prytania Street back in 2015.

Many of the walking tours in the Garden District will take you on a walk to see all of these celebrity homes.
