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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The heatwave across the U.S. is being felt in Louisiana.

Temperatures in the metro area are cranking out in the 90s.

Local residents say although summer is a week away, it feels like it’s been here for a while.

“I work outside all the summer so I’m used to it all the time and it’s a hot summer,” said Jovanni Hurst.

Many are dialing up on the A.C. to get some relief, but when that happens your electric bill typically increases.

“I’m not too happy about that, but what you going to do? It’s hot. You’ve got to cool your house off anyway,” said Hurst.

One Entergy customer released their bill to WGNO news, showing an increase of nearly a hundred dollars in the last month. The customer says this is the highest her bill has been since she bought the home, 6 years ago.

“The customer’s fuel charge is billed per kilowatt-hour at the current rate of the bill – so increase usage coupled with the high fuel costs actually can lead to higher bills,” said Sandra Diggs-Miller who works for Entergy.

She says seeing a higher bill isn’t uncommon.

“This is a conversation that utility providers are having across the country,” said Diggs-Miller.

When it gets hotter, many are tempted to touch the thermostat.

She recommends keeping it at 78 degrees. Some other tips include shutting the blinds, keeping the fans on, and getting a home audit done to identify if there are any cracks or holes leaking air.